After a couple of days of letting ideas kick their way around the brain pan, the plan resolves: two one-day trips, one located around the Panatewaewae/Waikawa Stream and another around the Waitohu Stream. Efficient if not aesthetic.
What: Day one of two one day navigation trips
Where: Back of Manakau - Panatewaewae and Waikawa Streams
When: 30 September 2017
Who: Solo
Why: Mopping up orphan spot-heights
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A bit of Sunday's trip appears in the bottom right |
It's an overcast Saturday and 7am as I wander the short distance up Manakau Road to the first gate. Soon after, an old 4WD track on the left looks viable - the blackberry is threatening a resurgence but it's good today. This sidles up and around to a pylon and a spur which climbs at a steady pace through misty pines.
At the top, a large brown bird explodes out of the undergrowth and hurtles off into the clag - I can only guess that I'm looking at the south end of a northbound pheasant but haven't seen one around the Tararuas before.
The ridge top is flat, so to confirm bearings I pop along to the Panatewaewae track then retrace my steps to take a bearing to point 509 through mucky bush. There are a surprising amount of foot prints going that way but not a lot to indicate why - still, one spot-height down for the day. The rest of the trip up to 635 is unremarkable - damp, claggy and a little familiar. The turnoff from the logging trail onto a foot trail up to 635 is well marked (9:20am).
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Typical part of track up Panatewaewae ridge |
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Turn off to 635 and beyond - orange tape is obvious |
From 635 I'm looking for a spur running southish down to a fork in the Panatewaewae Stream. It takes a bit of thrashing around to find the top but once on, it's a fairly straightforward ramble down, although the supplejack which will haunt the rest of the weekend makes itself felt. The spur becomes a bit indistinct towards the bottom but I'm pleased to come out bang on the forks. There's some rubbish remaining from a hunters camp but nothing of note apart from the rather energetic noises the stream is making. It's 10.30 so progress is about on track.
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Panatewaewae Stream - could be slow wading around in that |
My route is downstream about half a K. However the stream has cut down into the valley bottom and soon drops through a chute - not overly dramatic but I decide to take a handy log across with dry feet. After that it's slow work scrambling along goat tracks on steep banks above the stream (you could probably just bite the bullet and get very wet and may be a little bruised).
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Bridge |
About 20 minutes later, at the next forks another old hunters bivvy is rotting into the bush (do they ever take their crap out!). Across the stream the hillside is precipitous and festooned with supplejack and kiekie. I find what looks like a spur up stream a little way which takes me onto a clear knob before disappearing. Then it's just plain hard yakka for the first 100 vertical metres before the bush opens out.
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Hunter's rubbish |
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Time for a breather - damp but still cheerful |
I'm hoping one of the ubiquitous logging trails will turn up, but no such luck until a series of clearings up the now gently shelving spur make the going much easier. At one point I step out of the forest edge to see two deer staring intently at me from 40m away - the tableau holds for a full half minute before they trot into the bush.
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Lots of pigs here abouts |
The rain has mainly been holding off, but the scrub around the clearings is saturated and, pretty soon, so am I. At the top of the spur though I join a route I have travelled before and am back in forest on a respectable track.
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Old - but still marked |
At 12:20 (at 600m contour) I'm contemplating leaving the track for what is likely to be the trickiest navigation of the day as there are no clean spurs. I'm aiming to drop to a fork in the stream up valley of the old mill site and pretty much do so, although manage to lose the spur towards the bottom so have to bash down a creek a few hundred metres up stream of my target. Then it's time to start climbing ... again.
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A bit of supplejack to contend with ... |
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And a little bit more |
The trail up starts from the stream junction and I'm expecting it to be marked and well travelled as it is an obvious route. Sure enough there are markers (not by DOC, but markers none-the-less) and there's no navigation required as I pick up the next spot-height (490) on the way to the ridge 500m above. The markers are ones I have seen before on the ridge - I think they mark a nice little loop trip from the Waikawa Stream with the option of a popping up to Waitewaewae.
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Waitewaewae Ridge line - turn off to spur is well marked |
The spur emerges onto a wee knob on the ridge into tall regrowth and familiar territory - it's 2.45 so time is still good but a fair amount of territory to cover. I turn right (south-west) and potter along paying little attention, but giving a nod to the route from a low saddle to West Waitewaewae stream from a previous trip. The markers stop after a bit and it becomes easier to wander off the ground trail until it pops out on the well travelled old logging trail at pt 730 (3.45), for what I am thinking will be the last slightly tricky bit of navigation.
The second spot-height 490 for the day is off down a spur somewhere to the right of the road - the tricky bit is finding the spur as there are no views. This means estimating how long it will take to get to the approximate location. My minimum guess turns out to be wrong as a quick thrash onto a too rapidly descending spur determines. A hundred or so meters later there is a wide logging trail leading away providing fast travel down a broad spur through spindly saplings. Soon another one bites the dust.
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To 490 - easy travel |
Just before Thompson (4:50) there's a junction that 4WDs obviously frequent - it's fairly churned up. Left (southish) is a sidle road down towards the Waitohu Stream and country I will be frequenting tomorrow, right is down towards the Waikawa Stream and Manakau Road end. I go straight ahead to find an overgrown track to the top of Thomspon - where another track heads southwest down the crest of the spur. This place is riddled with trails.
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Kapiti Island - from near Thompson |
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Junction before 595 - right to Manakau |
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And left to the DOC campsite and carpark |
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View north to the Panatewaewae Ridge (route from this morning - but dry now) |
I briefly follow a large modern logging road for a while before determining it is heading the wrong way and isn't on the map. A bit of backtracking and the correct route has the decency to be faithful to the map for the rest of the way down.
At 6.40 a couple are enjoying the afternoon sun outside their tent after a claggy day and another chap has a fire going in the shelter. Rather than camping fare I decide to find a local pub for dinner - Shannon provides a meal of a quality consistent with the price and the décor. I don't even bother asking about craft beer (what a Wellingtonian).
Back at the road end I tiptoe across the bog and lay out my mat in the shelter where it is least likely to get rained on. A chap has a fire going by the carpark with his stereo on and three or four other vehicles indicate others are spending the night - a surprising number of people really.
There's a bit of rain during the night and, as I discover the next day - lots of mosquitos.
The near country has recently cut and still clear 4WD tracks. Some trails are still accessible by vehicle and 4WDers have cut these up (and left rubbish). Further back, many old logging tracks remain - on some, the ground is still clear as the rock has offered little purchase for regrowth - these can offer delightfully fast travel through a tunnel of thin trunked trees competing for canopy space. Over time, dense groves of saplings, punga and ground fern start to colonise as the trail starts merging back into the bush.These trails are found on many spurs and can be quite steep. They seem to thin out significantly above about 500m. Animals tend to adopt them so there is often a good ground trail to be had and the footing is much better as they are clear of the older rotten logs. Water will often also follow them so sometimes the bank on the down hill side will be where the clearer animal trails are.
Although useful, you can't rely on them going where you think they might be going as some will leave a perfectly good spur to dive into a gully - presumably dead ends to rip out logs from everywhere remotely accessible. Another endearing trait is to lead you on an easy path upwards with no view spots and gradually swing around the slope to approach the high point from an unexpected direction. Lesson: keep an eye on your compass.
This isn't my favourite catchment in the Tararuas - but it does have its isolated corners and offers ample challenges for off track navigation. It is also a good gateway for some more interesting places like the Waitewaewae headwaters.
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